If I Ruled the World- Cannabis Would be Free and The People Would Heal
“Imagine smoking weed in the streets without cops harassin’”
I can only imagine because even in legal states, the scent of marijuana is enough for a cop to find something to rub his/her ego on. Though getting a little closer, I’m with Nas on imagining the day that we can all smoke weed in the streets without cops harassing. But for me, it goes a little further; I imagine the ways that our government can heal us instead of waking up daily, choosing to harm us.
Our government, with the powers that we allow them to have, created a list of harmful drugs and placed Cannabis on that list. That is not a government for the people, that is a government attacking its people. Don’t think so? Well, my opinion is that our government has control over what we breathe in, treat our conditions with, and establish protocols that tell us how to buy the food that we eat. Let that sink in for a minute….
In the world that I rule, Cannabis would be freed from the jail that the government placed it in- along with the people that the government took from their families, over a plant on schedule 1. I would dismantle the devil- DEA and create a “for Cannabis” agency that would grow medicinal Cannabis for the people of the country. This agency would also hire Cannabis consultants that create material…